NextabSenior Features

Senior Tablet

Our Digital Photo Frame not only showcases your cherished memories but does so with a thoughtful feature. After just 2 minutes of inactivity, the device transitions to a stunning display of all the photos in your gallery. These photos include not only those you’ve manually uploaded but also any shared with you. It’s a seamless way to ensure that every special moment finds its place on your frame.

Our service offers a streamlined experience for accessing your favorite streaming platforms. At the touch of a button, you can easily navigate and enjoy a wide array of TV shows and movies. We’ve designed this feature to provide a convenient and efficient way to access a multitude of entertainment options.

Engage in high-definition (HD) video calls with the ease of a button. With this feature, you can effortlessly connect with family and friends, no matter the physical distance that separates you. Experience crystal-clear visuals and audio quality, making your virtual conversations feel as lifelike as possible.

Chat feature empowers you to share messages and photos with loved ones, fostering and nurturing those meaningful connections. Stay engaged and in touch with the people who matter most, ensuring that your bonds remain strong through the exchange of messages and cherished moments captured in photos.

Request Call feature empowers seniors to initiate a callback from our dedicated operators. These callback requests can be conveniently managed through our online portal or on the operator’s dedicated tablet. When the operator returns the call, users have two options: the call can either ring directly on their device, allowing them to answer, or the operator can auto-answer the call on their behalf. This feature ensures swift and efficient communication between our users and our dedicated support staff.

Medication Reminder feature takes the stress out of medication management. It offers automatic prompts for medication details, dosages, and schedules. You can trust this feature to keep you informed and on track, ensuring that you never miss a dose and allowing you to focus on your well-being with confidence.

General Reminders feature, you can take control of your schedule effortlessly. Set notifications for a variety of events, including meals, appointments, and more. This feature ensures that you’re always in the know, helping you stay organized and on top of your daily activities.

Screen Sharing feature simplifies the process of receiving remote assistance during video calls. With this functionality, you can effortlessly share your screen with others, making it easier for them to provide guidance and support, whether it’s troubleshooting technical issues or collaborating on projects. This feature ensures that help is just a click away, enhancing your overall experience during video calls.

Preinstalled Apps offer a diverse world of entertainment right at your fingertips. Whether you’re in the mood for music, games, or other forms of amusement, you’ll find a rich selection readily available. These preinstalled applications enhance your device’s functionality, making it a versatile companion for leisure and enjoyment.

Games feature provides a collection of interactive and engaging entertainment options. From classic favorites to modern challenges, these games are designed to keep you entertained and mentally engaged. They offer a delightful way to pass the time and enjoy leisure moments on your device.

Senior friendly interface is thoughtfully designed to make navigation effortless. Large, easily memorable colors are used to enhance the visual experience, ensuring that you can move through the interface with ease. These design choices make your interaction with the device not only user-friendly but also visually pleasing, creating a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Our Companion Family App simplifies communication for seniors, enabling easy, secure connections with family and friends. With a user-friendly interface and end-to-end encryption, it strengthens bonds and fosters seamless interactions.

Family App

Engage in high-definition (HD) video calls with the ease of a button. With this feature, you can effortlessly connect with family and friends, no matter the physical distance that separates you. Experience crystal-clear visuals and audio quality, making your virtual conversations feel as lifelike as possible.

Chat feature empowers you to share messages and photos with loved ones, fostering and nurturing those meaningful connections. Stay engaged and in touch with the people who matter most, ensuring that your bonds remain strong through the exchange of messages and cherished moments captured in photos.

Managing your loved one’s medication is effortless with our Medication Reminder. This feature offers customized schedules, allowing you to set dosages and sending automatic notifications for each dose. It provides peace of mind to caregivers, ensuring every medication is taken on time. With this tool, you can simplify medication management and enhance your loved one’s well-being.

General Reminders feature keeps you organized and ensures you never miss special occasions like birthdays. Personalize notifications and plan events to create memorable moments with your loved one.

Easily guide and assist your loved one with their NextabSenior Tablet. Share their screen to demonstrate app usage, assist with logins, and provide real-time support. This feature enhances their independence and strengthens your connection, making technology accessible for seniors.

Stay connected with multiple contacts through the Family App. Manage and reach out to various family members, friends, and loved ones effortlessly, fostering ongoing connections. Additionally, you can add your favorites to your home screen for easy and quick access, ensuring that your most important connections are just a touch away.

Admin Portal

Program administrators can easily choose and customize the apps available on NextabSenior devices. Whether it’s from our customer app library or the Play Store, you have the flexibility to create a tailored app selection that caters to the unique interests and needs of your senior community. This feature simplifies app management, ensuring that the offerings are always up-to-date and aligned with your program’s goals

Effortlessly toggle between different user groups, each with their unique needs and intents. This streamlined capability allows for precision in user support, ensuring that administrators can effectively address the specific requirements of various user segments, whether it’s caregivers, family members, or senior users themselves. This feature is designed to enhance the overall user experience, promoting satisfaction and engagement for all parties involved, making user group management a breeze for administrators.

Streamlines user-customer interaction by displaying a list of users requesting calls to caregivers. It enables caregivers to respond efficiently by providing the option to call back via standard voice call, initiate a video call for a more personal touch, or utilize the auto-answer call function, which directly connects the senior with the caregiver.

This feature prioritizes user accessibility and ensures that caregivers can promptly address the specific needs of each user, creating a seamless and efficient communication process. It enhances the quality of care provided and offers caregivers the tools they need to respond effectively to call requests.

Chat feature empowers you to share messages and photos with loved ones, fostering and nurturing those meaningful connections. Stay engaged and in touch with the people who matter most, ensuring that your bonds remain strong through the exchange of messages and cherished moments captured in photos.

Connect with individual users for personalized interactions or broadcast important updates to groups of users. Whether it’s a one-on-one conversation to address specific needs or a mass announcement to keep everyone informed, this feature ensures efficient and tailored communication. It provides the flexibility and efficiency necessary to meet the diverse communication requirements within your community, enhancing the quality of support and information sharing

Device Logs feature offers administrators access to vital device information, simplifying device management. It includes essential details such as creation dates, user information, device status (online or offline), and unique device IDs. This comprehensive view enables efficient device oversight.

Calls feature offers a comprehensive call log that keeps track of all incoming and outgoing calls, providing valuable insights into the who, what, when, and more. With this tool, administrators can easily review call logs, including details such as caller and recipient, date, and time. This feature simplifies the process of monitoring communication and ensures that every call is accounted for.

Dashboard is the central hub for administrators, offering a comprehensive overview of all key activities and data. It provides an at-a-glance view of essential metrics, including the number of calls, device online status, operator requests, and more.